A Message from Our CEO

As the inventor of the original integral geogrid used across the world today, and with our complimentary suite of Geopier® ground improvement technologies, Tensar® has always led in innovation and customer-focused solutions. As reflected in our Vision, Mission and Values, and our Code of Conduct, we maintain a steadfast commitment to corporate responsibility. This is evident not only in our policies and procedures, but in our relations with our employees, business associates, the communities we serve, and in the cost-effective carbon-saving sustainable and resilient solutions we deliver to our customers every day.

For years we have dedicated ourselves to continuous improvement. We see meaningful results from the reduction in natural resource consumption and carbon footprint resulting from the use of our technologies on infrastructure and other projects, from our plant clean energy initiative, and from our human resource, training and business governance programs. All of these have been part of an Environmental, Social and Governance effort at Tensar. Recognizing that there is more we can do, we are formalizing and standardizing our plans with the help of the recognized professional advisory firm FrameworkESG. Our strategy is designed to further evaluate and report on our ESG-related impacts and results, and to make future measurable improvements in the areas we can influence. We will leverage our technologies and market-leading position, and engage with our people and other stakeholders, to continue to provide value in various key dimensions including sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical and resilient business operations. We look forward to doing our part in making our world a better and more sustainable place for generations to come. 

Mike Lawrence
